Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Lower Mill Farm, Stanwell Moor

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd, on a site proposed for mineral extraction in the vicinity of a previously excavated Iron Age site. One ditch was noted, but no finds were recovered. A subsequent watching brief by M Dover on the stripping of part of the area for mineral extraction noted no features or finds of archaeological interest. (314)

Duncroft School, Staines

Evaluation and subsequent excavation was carried out by J Robertson of SCAU for Nicholas King Homes, before residential development of the school grounds. The site lies outside the Roman and medieval settlement of Staines but in close proximity to the parish church. Numerous features of late Saxon date were revealed, confirming that there had been some shift of settlement during that period away from the site of the Roman town. Some features of Saxo-Norman date were identified, but insufficient to establish whether Duncroft was the site of Staines’ Manor House.

24-32 Kingston Road, Staines

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, on behalf of United House Construction, was carried out in advance of redevelopment. Two phases of flood deposits (Roman and post-Roman) were revealed below modern disturbance. These in turn overlay natural brickearth and gravels. The evaluation found no evidence for Roman or earlier features sealed by the flood deposits; in particular no trace of the possible Roman ditch identified by the Spelthorne Archaeological Field Group, during their work in 1992, was revealed in either trial trench.

Home Farm, Laleham

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU of Phase 5 (and parts of 6A and 9) of this mineral extraction site, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd, revealed a number of features of prehistoric date. Subsequent area excavation (centred TQ 062 686) revealed a number of small pits and post holes and a substantial waterlogged pit -believed to be a waterhole, all likely to be of Bronze Age date. Two ditches found running roughly parallel to one another, six metres apart, could be the remains of a contemporaneous trackway. (311, 314)

Worple Road, Laleham

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for Berkeley Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd, of a site for residential development in the vicinity of a known cropmark site. No features or finds of archaeological interest were found; the site had previously been disturbed. (314)


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