Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Runfold Farm

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU of the first phase of this mineral site, for Pioneer Concrete Holdings PLC, revealed numerous archaeological features. The majority of these dated to the Iron Age; the presence of a number of ring gullies suggests that this was a settlement site, similar to those found nearby at Tongham Nurseries, excavated in 1993. This evaluation also revealed some Early Roman material.

Princess Royal Sandpit, Runfold

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for BFI Ltd, of two areas permitted for mineral extraction, produced little of archaeological interest except for an area centred at SU 861 473. Here no features were revealed, but numerous finds of both prehistoric and Roman date were recovered. Analysis of the soils from which these finds were recovered indicates that they are essentially hillwash. This suggests occupation nearby, on higher ground, in both the prehistoric and Roman periods. Unfortunately, the area of higher ground adjacent has previously been quarried.

Trevereux Manor, Limpsfield

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for R Stilgoe, of an area proposed for an extension to the lake created in 1994, when a watching brief recorded a pit containing Late Iron Age/Romano-British pottery. The evaluation confirmed that the London-Lewes Roman Road runs only about 15 metres west of the alignment indicated by the Ordnance Survey. The road has clearly suffered damage since it fell out of use, probably as a result of ploughing. There was no sign of the expected side ditches. Numerous finds were recovered, indicating occupation in the near vicinity during the Roman period.


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