Surrey County Archaeological Unit

The Vicarage, Horsell

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for the Guildford Diocesan Parsonages Board, on the site for a new vicarage, adjacent to the former vicarage. A shallow pit produced a sherd of 13th-14th century date, a second feature no dating evidence. (309, 314)

Parley, Horsell Birch, Woking

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Malcolm McD Hooker & Co, in advance of residential development adjacent to a known findspot of Palaeolithic & Mesolithic flints. A small quantity of struck flint was recovered, probably of Mesolithic date, but the pieces were dispersed in the top & sub soil. (314)

Alderbrook Main Pipeline

A watching brief was maintained by M Dover of SCAU, for Thames Water Utilities, on the construction of a replacement water main. A concentration of prehistoric pottery was noted at TQ 037 440 and further excavation revealed a layer containing numerous sherds of Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age pottery overlying what appeared to be a buried soil, which itself sealed a row of possible post holes. It seems likely that the layer containing the prehistoric pottery represents erosion of material from the adjoining hillslopes.

Hydon Ball Reservoir

A watching brief was maintained by M Dover of SCAU, for Thames Water Utilities, on the construction of a replacement pipeline to the reservoir, where work was not along an existing road. The route passed close to the church at Hambledon, and pieces of medieval and post-medieval tile, and some post-medieval pottery were recovered from this section, although no features were noted. The section through the field boundary south of the track to Upper Vann Lane suggested that a ditch had preceded the current boundary bank, but no dating evidence was recovered.

The White Horse Hotel, Haslemere

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, on behalf of the Strathmoor Group, of a site proposed for residential development. Three trial trenches were excavated and only one feature, which contained 19th/20th century material, was revealed. This shallow ditch is likely to represent a late field boundary, rather than the edge of the town plots. (321)


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