Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Runfold Farm

Evaluation by J Robertson and G Hayman of SCAU of the remainder of the stage 2 mineral extraction site. A small number of features were revealed that might have been related to evidence for field systems found nearby previously, and possibly tree clearance. However a lack of dating evidence precluded firm identification.

Runfold Quarry, Farnham

Excavation and watching brief by R Lambert of SCAU during mineral extraction works. The initial watching brief during site-stripping revealed more extensive activity than expected, including field boundaries, enclosure ditches, roundhouse ring gullies, and numerous pits, postholes and waterholes, apparently belonging to the later Iron Age and early Roman periods. The main phase of excavation divided the site into three areas -- B, C and X. Area B showed Late Iron Age--early Roman period settlement activity in the form of ditches, pits, postholes, and waterholes.

1--13 Beavers Road, Farnham

Final phase of the watching brief by R Lambert of SCAU, which commenced in 2007. No features of archaeological significance were recorded, but a number of worked flints of probable Bronze Age date, together with pottery and clay pipe stems of late 17th--early 18th century origin, were recovered

Rowly Drive, Rowly

Watching brief by T Munnery of SCAU during the excavations for a water pipeline. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed. A metal detector survey carried out simultaneously along the pipeline route recovered fragments of metalwork associated with the site of a German Junkers 88 aircraft, which was shot down and crashed nearby in April 1941. The actual site of the crash was, however, some distance from the pipeline route.


Historic landscape survey by P Jones of SCAU, undertaken as part of the SCC/SyAS ASHLV assessment project. A number of features and potential areas of interest were recorded, including a possible Mesolithic flint-knapping scatter, a number of lime kilns and pond bays. Accompanying assessment of the tithe maps also provided place-name evidence for a number of potential kiln sites.


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