Surrey County Archaeological Unit

No.6 Slipshoe Street, Reigate

Evaluation by N Shaikhley of SCAU, for Mr Westwood, partly within the standing building, which is 16th century, in advance of building works. One trench to the rear of the building revealed a pit containing medieval pottery; within the building a rammed chalk floor, presumed to relate to the original occupation of the building, was revealed. A subsequent watching brief recorded little of archaeological interest. (314)

Great Burgh, Burgh Heath

Evaluation by SCAU on behalf of Portland Properties Ltd of part of an area of the grounds to be redeveloped. Much of the area was found to have been disturbed. Elsewhere no finds of archaeological interest were made and only one feature, itself of uncertain significance, was identified. (321)

Chapel Grove, Burgh Heath

A watching brief by N Shaikhley of SCAU was carried out during the construction of a car park in the vicinity of the site of St Leonard’s Chapel, for Kennedy & Partners. A few shallow features were revealed following topsoil stripping, but none contained datable material.

Land at Headley Drive, Tadworth

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU for SCC’s Property Services Dept, of land to the north east of a known Anglo-Saxon cemetery, produced no evidence for burials. A few features, mainly ditches and gullies, were recorded, only one of which produced dating evidence - a sherd of late 12th/early 13th pottery. A number of stray finds were also recovered, including a sherd of Bronze Age pottery, pieces of struck and burnt flint and a sherd of Late Saxon pottery.

Ye Olde Six Bells PH, Horley

A watching brief by R Poulton & J Stevenson of SCAU, was maintained on works to this 15th century building, for Bass Taverns. No historic fabric was revealed during alterations and the groundworks were so limited that little disturbance sufficient to reveal archaeological remains occurred. (321)

Brockham & Betchworth Quarries

A rapid survey of the quarries was undertaken by J Robertson of SCAU for SCC’s Planning Dept, as part of an ongoing project on Areas of Historic Landscape Value. A small quarry at TQ 203 512 may equate with one shown on Rocque’s map c.1768. The tracks ‘White Road’ and ‘Red Road’ that run past the quarries are holloways and may, therefore, have early origins. (314, 321)

Highlands Farm, Leatherhead

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Balfour Beatty, in advance of the construction of a bund adjacent to the M25 revealed a couple of post-hole like features which contained no finds and a pit containing burnt bone and flint. A subsequent watching brief on works in the vicinity recorded no further features. (314)


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