Home Farm, Laleham

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU of Phase 5 (and parts of 6A and 9) of this mineral extraction site, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd, revealed a number of features of prehistoric date. Subsequent area excavation (centred TQ 062 686) revealed a number of small pits and post holes and a substantial waterlogged pit -believed to be a waterhole, all likely to be of Bronze Age date. Two ditches found running roughly parallel to one another, six metres apart, could be the remains of a contemporaneous trackway. (311, 314) Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU of Phase 6B revealed a variety of features of Late Bronze Age date and a contemporaneous stream channel. Subsequent excavation of two areas (centred TQ 059 691) revealed: a number of pits, one of which contained fragments of human bone and several of which were packed with burnt flint; several cremation burials; a number of post holes, including ones forming the groundplan of a round house with a doorway facing south east; at least one water hole and a couple of ditches. The finds were principally pottery of Late Bronze Age date, though some may be earlier Bronze Age or Late Neolithic. Evaluation of the remainder of Phase 6A revealed numerous features of Late Neolithic and Bronze Age date. One possibly Neolithic cremation burial was identified. Subsequently three areas were opened up for excavation (centred TQ 062 685), which revealed numerous small pits and post holes, a number of ditches and at least two further cremation burials. Most features produced only small quantities of finds, making the features difficult to date. Most are probably Bronze Age, others may be Neolithic and at least one ditch is probably Roman. A large Bronze Age water hole, which contained waterlogged deposits, contained preserved fragments of wood: five small wooden stakes were found driven into the base of the feature. (320, 321)