Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Bellway Homes, of the former hospital site, in advance of redevelopment. The evaluation produced no features or finds of archaeological interest. (314)
A watching brief was carried out by N Hembrey of SCAU, for Mr Tunstall & Dr Butler, on service trenching at this cottage, which lies adjacent to Bletchingley Castle. No features or finds of archaeological interest were noted.
Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for the Hawthorns School, in advance of the construction of new sports and teaching blocks. The only feature of some interest identified was the robber trench for a former garden or courtyard wall, probably of 18th or 19th century date. (314)
Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Sunley Estates plc, in advance of residential redevelopment revealed no features of archaeological interest. A few finds of late medieval and post-medieval date were recovered, probably the result of manuring. (321)
A watching brief by J Stevenson of SCAU was maintained on the redevelopment of this site for McCarthy & Stone (Developments) Ltd. Up to 2 metres of recent made ground was identified; no features or finds of archaeological interest were noted. (321)
Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Airways Housing Society Ltd, in advance of residential development in the grounds of this 17th century building. A number of ditches were identified, of both Roman and early medieval (11th-12th century) date. The recovery of a number of pieces of struck and burnt flint also suggests prehistoric activity. A subsequent watching brief on construction revealed little more. (314, 321)
Evaluation involving a geophysical survey and trial trenching was carried out on this prospective mineral site, by the Bartlett-Clark Consultancy and G Hayman of SCAU respectively, for Henry Streeter (Sand & Ballast). This work revealed a scatter of prehistoric features across the site and a concentration of features of Roman date indicating settlement, probably a small farmstead, at the southern end of the site. (321)
Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU, for Berkley Hambro & Conlyon Investments, in advance of redevelopment of this site. Some areas were found to have been previously disturbed, but a spread of gravel containing sherds of Roman pottery and tile was tentatively identified as a track surface of that date. (314)
Excavation by J Robertson of SCAU for the Metropolitan Police Service followed on from evaluation in 1995; the site for the new police station lies on the fringes of the Roman and later settlement of Staines. The excavation revealed a number of ditches that had been cut parallel to the roadline.
Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd, of an area proposed for mineral extraction (and a flood relief channel) identified a silty deposit containing worked flint, sherds of prehistoric (probably Bronze Age) pottery and a couple of sherds of Roman pottery, which overlay a buried river channel. (314)