Surrey Industrial History Group (SIHG)

Surrey Industrial History Group (SIHG)

SIHG holds regular short talks at Leatherhead Oddfellows Hall and by Zoom between September and April, and also occasional days out. Membership is FREE until April 2026. To join, please email sends e-mail)

Our programme covers a variety of topics from wide-ranging presentations on railways, air transport, canals and industrial archaeology to very specific talks on (usually local) industries and talks with a strong element of social history, often focusing on the lives of industrial workers of the past. We'll even havesome talks with a strong arts and crafts content in 2025 (and we'll "lighten up" with a talk on Heath Robinson in 2025.). Many, but not all, of our talks pertain to Surrey industries, including aviation, brewing, automobile development, brickmaking, glassmaking and iron working, among many others.

Our talks cover all eras up to and including today, with a large number of them relating to the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th centuries, when the introduction of steam power transformed the United Kingdom from an agricultural to an industrial nation….indeed, the world’s first industrial nation! More recently, however, we have also hosted talks on the social history aspects of industrialization, with several talks focusing on people – from the great inventors, engineers and entrepreneurs to "the man on the shop floor". Other talks have included a strong element of arts, crafts and architecture. And we plan to do several half-day trips in 2025, including tours of the Rural Life Museum and Kensal Green Cemetery.

We also send members a newsletter several times a year, and plan  to produce a journal of longer articles yearly from 2025 onwards.

SIHG differs from other groups in the Surrey Archaeological Society (SYAS) in that, because of the nature of SIHG's activity, it is not necessary to belong to SYAS in order to become a member of SIHG.

SIHG gave a "Conservation Award" Plaque annually until 2022, we hope to re-introduce this award soon, and add an external link to a list of previous award winners.  We've also been involved in many industrial history projects in Surrey, again we will add an external link to a page of information about these projects some time in 2025. 

SIHG is a founding member of the Southeast Region Industrial Archaeology Conference (SERIAC) and is affiliated to the national Association for Industrial Archaeology (AIA).