Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Six Bells PH, Newdigate

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for Mr & Mrs Callcut, of the site of a barn, which is to be converted for residential use. The original brick sill walls for the timber frame were revealed, but no other features of archaeological interest were present.

The Old Abattoir site, Rose Hill, Dorking

Building recording by Beryl Higgins & Vivienne Ettlinger of one of the former abattoir buildings, to be retained and refurbished, identified it as 17th or 18th century in origin. A watching brief was undertaken by N Shaikhley of SCAU, for Ian Vincent Property, during construction of housing on the remainder of the site. A ceramic vessel, identified as a ‘tyg’ of 17th century date, was found in spoil. No features of archaeological interest were revealed; the site was seen to have been very disturbed. (314, 321)

Gosterwood Manor, Forest Green

Evaluation by R Poulton & G Pattison of SCAU, for Gosterwood Estates Ltd, in advance of the construction of a lake revealed no features or finds of archaeological interest. A subsequent evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU, within the area of a proposed swimming pool, also revealed no features or finds of archaeological interest. (321)

Coal Yard, Shere

A watching brief was maintained by R Poulton of SCAU, for Priestmere Properties Ltd, on the redevelopment of this site in the centre of the village. The site had been previously disturbed to some extent, but in one area what was thought to be a former channel of the Tillingbourne was identified crossing the site. (314)

Hurtwood Main, Shere

A watching brief was maintained by R Poulton of SCAU, for Thames Water Utilities, on the construction of a new pipeline. No features of archaeological interest were noted and the only finds were a few struck flints. (314)


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