Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Former Katherine Wheel PH, Egham

Evaluation of this redevelopment site was carried out by G Hayman of SCAU for Clonlyon Investments Ltd. Although the site had quite extensive modern disturbance, a number of medieval features and layers were identified, presumably relating to occupation; the site lies within the historic centre of Egham. A subsequent watching brief on the redevelopment by M Dover of SCAU confirmed these results. (314)

Manor Farm, Egham

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Runnymede Borough Council, of land proposed for development adjacent to the Manor Farm, which is medieval in date. No features of archaeological interest were recorded and the only finds were one piece of struck and one piece of burnt flint. (314)

Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Excavations (centred TQ 063 630) by G Hayman of SCAU, for Ready Mixed Concrete (UK) Ltd, followed earlier evaluation. The work confirmed the presence of Iron Age and Roman settlement; some medieval features were also identified. (314) Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU of Phase 4 of this mineral extraction site (centred TQ 057 635) revealed two areas with some archaeological interest. Both produced gullies or ditches containing prehistoric, probably Bronze Age, pottery. Other features were of post-medieval date. Finds recovered include an obliquely blunted point microlith. (321)

Chertsey Revitalisation Scheme: Phase 6

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Countryside Commercial, of this redevelopment site. Evidence for prehistoric activity was recovered in the form of struck and burnt flint and a probably Bronze Age pot sherd. A sherd of grass-tempered Saxon pottery was also recovered. Well preserved stratigraphy indicated occupation in the vicinity from the late 13th century onwards, possibly associated with the medieval suburb of Styvynton, previously only known about from documents.

Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for RMC Aggregates (UK) Ltd, in advance of mineral extraction. Although no features of archaeological interest were revealed, a number of stray finds indicate activity relating to the prehistoric, Roman, possibly Saxon, and medieval periods. A watching brief was subsequently maintained on stripping of the first phase for extraction and a pit and possible post hole were recorded. Both features contained a mix of finds ranging from struck flints, through Saxon grass-tempered pottery to medieval and post-medieval pottery. (321

Botleys Park, Chertsey

Evaluation and a subsequent watching brief were carried out by R Poulton of SCAU, for P&O Developments, on part of the redevelopment of this hospital site. Evidence was revealed for formal gardens and structures presumed to relate to the precursor of the present, mid 18th century, Botleys Mansion, and also for 17th to 18th century brick making. (314)


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