Police Station, Kingston Road, Staines

Excavation by J Robertson of SCAU for the Metropolitan Police Service followed on from evaluation in 1995; the site for the new police station lies on the fringes of the Roman and later settlement of Staines. The excavation revealed a number of ditches that had been cut parallel to the roadline. The ceramic sequence suggests that in the 13th/14th century the roadside ditch was infilled by flood deposits; a new ditch was cut further east, infilling in the late 15th/early 16th centuries; this ditch was in turn replaced by one further east, that must have encroached upon the Kingston Road; it too was infilled and sealed by a layer containing 16th century material; subsequently a ploughsoil developed over the site. The quantity of finds recovered suggests that the ditches served a dual purpose of roadside drain and property boundary. A number of residual finds of prehistoric and Roman date were also recovered. (314)