Surrey County Archaeological Unit

19-21 West Street, Reigate

Evaluation by S Dyer of SCAU for Roberts & Baker Architects, of land to the rear of nos 19-21 proposed for redevelopment, found that the area had been disturbed in modern times; the only archaeological feature recorded was the foundations of a 19th century outbuilding. (289)

15-17 West Street, Reigate

Evaluation by S Dyer of SCAU for Owens Galliver Architects, of an area proposed for redevelopment, revealed a ditch containing 15th century pottery running at right angles to the street frontage. It seems likely that this represents the division between two formally laid out burgage plots, which were not actually built on until much later. A subsequent watching brief recorded more of the ditch but no further evidence for its date or purpose was found. (289)

Park Pit, Buckland

A watching brief by S Dyer of SCAU for ARC (Southern) Ltd, was carried out on topsoil and subsoil stripping of an extension to the existing pit. The silt lagoons that had occupied this area were found to have caused extensive ground disturbance and no features or finds of archaeological interest were noted. (289)

New Inn Lane, Burpham

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for SCC’s Resources Dept, of a site proposed for residential development. Three of the trial trenches revealed evidence of modern disturbance. No features or finds of archaeological interest were recovered.


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