Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Watching brief followed by excavation by J Stevenson and G Hayman of SCAU, on behalf of Henry Streeter (Sand and Ballast) Ltd, in advance of mineral extraction. An isolated Neolithic feature was revealed, together with a variety of waterholes, pits and postholes of the middle Bronze Age, and evidence for a field system of Roman or earlier date.

42-54 London Road, Staines

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Taylor Woodrow Property, in advance of the redevelopment. At the rear of the site, two intercutting ditches of possibly Roman date were revealed; at the front of the site, one medieval and one undated ditch were revealed. A few sherds of prehistoric pottery were also recovered.

Hithermoor Pit, Stanwell

Watching brief by G Hayman and J Stevenson of SCAU, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd., during the construction of a lake. Athough no features were discovered, this barrenness is likely to be a result of repeated flooding scouring the landscape and effectively washing such evidence away. There was certainly past activity on the site, as evidenced by the number of finds, albeit redeposited, ranging from the Neolithic to medieval recovered during the watching brief.

Staines House, 158-162 High Street & 1-13 London Road, Staines

Excavation and a subsequent limited watching brief by M Dover of SCAU, and geoarchaeological and palynological investigations by ArchaeoScape Consulting, for the Clerical and Medical Investment Group, in advance of office redevelopment. The earliest evidence recovered from the site was a collection of prehistoric flints. The earliest features identified were two human burials, one a double inhumation - possibly a parent and child. These burials are probably outliers from a more formal cemetery, outside the Roman town, that has not as yet been located.

Staines Town Centre

A watching brief was maintained by J Stevenson of SCAU, for SCC, on the groundworks associated with a pedestrianisation scheme. A large degree of modern disturbance was revealed, indicating that archaeological features which almost certainly formerly existed in this area of the town had been destroyed.

Land west of the Elmsleigh Centre, Staines

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Dusco Asset Management, of land proposed for an extension to the Elmsleigh Centre. A trench immediately west of the existing building found that beneath the levels of modern disturbance only 18th to 19th century deposits survived above natural silts. At the northern end of this trench the edge of the 1974-5 Elmsleigh House excavation was revealed. An auger survey was carried out to determine the depth at which gravel underlay the silts.

Blue Anchor Public House, 13-15 Market Street, Staines

Watching brief by P Jones and J Robertson of SCAU, for Wizard Inns, during work on an extension and improvements to the Blue Anchor. The nature of the foundation trenches, 3m deep and 0.85m wide, meant that they were unsuitable for proper archaeological recording to take place. Pottery of Roman (late 1st - 2nd century) date and a small, possibly, Roman coin, as well as late medieval (15th century) pottery, animal bone and tile, were recovered from the spoil heap.

Walton Bridge, Shepperton

A watching brief was maintained by G Pattison and J Stevenson of SCAU, for SCC, during the construction of a temporary bridge. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, although the works were considered to be too limited to have reached possibly meaningful archaeological levels


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