Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Hazelwood School, Limpsfield

A watching brief was maintained by J Stevenson of SCAU, for Hazelwood School, during the groundworks for the construction of a new teaching block. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, the site having probably been levelled at some time in the past. The works did record the apparent interface between the Wealden Clay and Atherfield Clay geological beds, and an area of river gravels/alluvium.

St Peter & St Pauls Church, Nutfield

A watching brief was maintained by M Dover of SCAU, for Southwark DAC. The unrendered greensand stone fabric of the church wall was exposed, together with the foundations for four buttresses. One of these appeared to be contemporary with the construction of the church, with the two others being later brick built features. The date of the fourth buttress was unclear, but possibly thought to be a rebuild or repair of an original feature.

Sugham Farm, Lingfield

Watching brief by J Stevenson of SCAU, for Archean Energy (U.K.) Ltd, on groundworks associated with the exploratory work for a well site on land adjacent to the sewage works. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed.

Mercers East Quarry, Merstham

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for Hepworth Minerals and Chemicals Ltd, on an area permitted for mineral extraction. Much of the site was found to have been disturbed previously, reducing the likelihood of archaeological remains surviving. Only one possible archaeological feature, a ditch containing no dating evidence, was revealed.

St. John the Baptist Church, Windlesham

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for Windlesham Church Property Ltd, involved soil stripping the area for a building linking the church and an existing hall. The location of the original churchyard boundary, which had been extended to incorporate the hall building, was identifiable from the different deposits either side of it. Inside the boundary there was a level of general disturbance; the fills of a number of grave cuts, where sampled, included brick and tile.


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