Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Langshott Manor, Horley

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU, for Utopia Leisure, on the site of a possible extension to this 17th century house (which may be on the site of an earlier medieval property). The results were inconclusive. Only post-medieval and modern features were revealed, but these could have obliterated earlier evidence.

Lower Kingswood to Buckland

Watching brief by R Poulton and S Hind of SCAU, for Sutton & East Surrey Water Company, on the groundworks associated with the construction of a water pipeline between Buckland and Lower Kingswood. No features of archaeological significance were revealed. However, a small amount of worked flints was recovered, including some of probable Mesolithic or Neolithic date.

Farmfields, near Horley

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU, for Westminster Healthcare Ltd, on the site of the former Farmfield Hospital. Foundations associated with the former hospital buildings were seen, but no features or finds of archaeological interest were revealed.


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