Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Mizen’s Farm, Horsell

Evaluation and watching brief by J Robertson and S Hind of SCAU, for TAG McLaren Holdings Ltd, of a further area of this development site - adjacent to the former farm buildings. In one trench a possible pit and a gulley were identified, both of which contained early Saxon pottery. Other features revealed in the trenching produced no dating evidence or were post-medieval or modern. A watching brief on the first phase of the development, the construction of the access road, revealed four shallow features.

Woking Palace

Report received from S Dyer on various work carried out at the palace, for Woking Borough Council, between 1995 and 1998. A detailed topographic survey of the palace site was conducted and a number of building platforms revealed. Resistivity survey produced a number of anomalies, the most prominent and numerous of which represent buried wall footings, or robber trenches. These are located on the eastern half on the site, the western half having been given over to gardens.

24 Petworth Road, Haselmere

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU, for Overson Ltd, in advance of residential development. A shallow gully was revealed, aligned approximately north east-south west. Excavation produced a white ware rim sherd and several sandy ware sherds of later medieval date. It seems likely that this feature represents an earlier demarcation of the boundary of this plot, possibly as part of the setting out of the town


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