Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Former Netherne Hospital, Chipstead

Evaluation and excavation by J Stevenson and G Hayman of SCAU, for Gleeson Homes, in advance of residential development on the former hospital site. The evaluation was aimed at testing the results of an earlier geophysical survey, and revealed evidence of prehistoric and medieval activity. The subsequent excavation revealed a scatter of prehistoric features, including a ditch and two small pits. One of these produced a quantity of flint debitage, seemingly of Mesolithic date. Neolithic and Bronze Age flintwork was also recovered, while the ditch and other pit were of Bronze Age date.

The Barons, Reigate

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Green Property (UK) Ltd, in advance of redevelopment for offices, revealed no features of archaeological interest. A number of finds were recovered however. These included pieces of struck prehistoric flint and numerous sherds of pottery, ranging in date from the 12th century onwards, as well as fragments of tile, clay pipe and animal bone. It is likely that this area was formerly in agricultural use and that most of these finds are the result of manuring.

Town Hall, Reigate

Excavation and watching brief by J Robertson of SCAU, for Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, revealed the bailey ditch of Reigate Castle, and related 13th century features. The ditch had been cleaned out in the 18th century and used as a moated feature within the landscaped grounds of the former castle, and filled in during the late 18th or 19th century, possibly when the adjacent Tunnel Road was constructed in 1821.

Former Redlands House, Reigate

A watching brief was maintained by J Stevenson of SCAU, for UK and European Investments Ltd, during the construction of an office block with associated car park and access road. A capped well of probable 19th century date was found, although most of the examined area had been previously disturbed by the construction of Redland House. No other features or finds of archaeological interest were recorded.

Land off Heights Close, Banstead

Evaluation by G Pattison of SCAU, for Mr Dupenois, of land proposed for residential development to the north west of the Tumble Beacon, revealed only a handful of struck flints associated with charcoal and burnt flint. The flints appear to be Bronze Age in date, although one possibly Neolithic flint was also recovered. A fragment of pottery, probably prehistoric, but too small for identification, was also recovered.

Great Burgh, Burgh Heath

A watching brief was maintained by M Dover of SCAU following on from an evaluation in 1997, on behalf of Portland Properties Ltd, on the site of an office development. No significant finds or features were revealed on a site which was found to have been basemented and extensively landscaped.

Tadworth Court

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for the Children’s Trust, of the site of a proposed care block in the grounds of the hospital. No features or finds of archaeological interest were revealed despite an apparent lack of any previous disturbance.

Headley Drive, Epsom Downs.

A watching brief was maintained by J Stevenson and N Shaikhley of SCAU, for Wimpey Homes, on the site of housing development. Three small gullies were revealed. None contained finds, but the features are believed to be of ancient rather than modern origin due to the nature of their fills.


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