Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Land off 11 Nutshell Lane, Farnham

Evaluation and watching brief by M Dover of SCAU, on behalf of David James Contracts, revealed three narrow gullies. One of the gullies produced two sherds of Roman grey ware pottery. The fills of the features were very similar and it could be that the two remaining gullies are of Roman date, although this remains uncertain. The paucity of finds from these features, and the absence of other finds or features during the evaluation and watching brief, would suggest that these are boundary features at some distance from any occupation area.

Runfold Farm, near Badshot Lea

Following evaluation in 1997, a series of watching briefs was carried out by N Marples of SCAU, for Pioneer Aggregates Ltd, on preliminary soil stripping of part of this mineral extraction site. Part of a rectilinear field system was recorded: three interconnected boundary features running east-west were identified together with a series of re-cut ditches running north-south, which delimited the eastern end of the grid. The date of the field system is unclear.

Staines Road Farm, Shepperton

A watching brief was carried out by M Dover of SCAU, for Henry Streeter (Sand and Ballast) Ltd, on continuing works at this mineral extraction site. No archaeological features were observed, but a number of unstratified struck flints were recovered, suggesting a possible broad area of prehistoric occupation in the south-eastern corner of the site.

Former Shottermill Recreation Ground, Wey Hill, Haslemere

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, on behalf of Tesco Stores PLC, in advance of the construction of a supermarket. All but one of the six trenches excavated revealed modern disturbance. A small late 19th or earlier 20th century dump of pottery and other rubbish was seen in one of the trenches, but no finds or features of significant archaeological interest were revealed.

Woolmer Hill School, Haslemere

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, on behalf of Haslemere Sports Association, on the site of a proposed Sports Centre. Two ditches were revealed which were suggestive of field boundaries, although none are recorded in the historical record. A possible gully was also seen, in addition to three small pits or postholes.One of these produced a rimsherd of late Iron Age or early Roman pottery together with a smaller body sherd of similar or possibly medieval date. A resultant watching brief, conducted in unfavourable weather conditions, failed to find any further archaeological finds or features.

Trevereux Manor, Limpsfield Chart

A watching brief was maintained by J Robertson of SCAU, for Mr. R Stilgoe, on an extension to an existing lake following an evaluation in 1997. The site lies on the projected line of the London-Lewes Roman road. As in the evaluation, remains of the road were not found on the predicted course, although evidence for a plough-damaged metalled surface 15m to the west was recorded. The quantity of finds recovered suggests occupation in the immediate vicinity in the Roman period.


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