Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Royal Horticultural Society, Wisley

Evaluation and subsequent excavation and watching brief by G Hayman of SCAU on the site of the proposed bicentenary glasshouse. A number of ditches were revealed during the evaluation. Dating evidence was slight, but the subsequent excavation and watching brief that followed established that the area was subject to two distinct periods of landscape management, with enclosure ditches and field systems dating to the Middle–Late Bronze Age and to the 11th–12th centuries. The flint assemblage was predominantly Bronze Age, with a small number of Mesolithic and Neolithic pieces also collected.

Epsom Road, Merrow

Observation of groundworks undertaken during road improvements by N Shaikhley of SCAU. No finds or features of archaeological interest were noted, although the work was conducted at a late stage in construction operations and any archaeology present on the site may already have been removed

Nurses Cottage, Old Palace Road, Weybridge

Watching brief maintained by R Poulton of SCAU during the construction of two extensions at a property within the Scheduled area of Oatlands Palace revealed that the site had seen a considerable build-up in level (of over 1m) since the demolition of the palace in 1650. At the base of the build-up, and overlying the natural, was a layer representing debris from the palace demolition, although it is unclear what this implies with regard to the location of the site in relation to the palace.

Land to the rear of 24 Monument Green, Weybridge

Archaeological observation and recording carried out by N Shaikhley of SCAU following site levelling and the excavation of a foundation trench and two test pits, revealed no finds or features of archaeological interest. This is most likely due to the redeposited 19th century made-ground that was evident over the majority of the site. This may mask archaeological material or the deposition of the made-ground might have removed any archaeological material.


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