Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Rio House and Rio Cottage, Ripley

Evaluation and watching brief by N Shaikhley and J Robertson of SCAU revealed a large number of features, the majority of which appeared to be inhumations of medieval date, although dating evidence was scarce. The inhumations were probably originally within the boundary of the adjacent churchyard, which map evidence suggests may have contracted to its present size in the mid–late 18th century.

The Chestnuts, Castle Hill, Guildford

Watching brief by R Poulton of SCAU during the construction of a new garage and additional external alterations. The deep and narrow garage foundations did not allow for detailed observations, but 19th century brick and pottery was evident. During excavations for repair to a boundary wall, a small section of chalk rubble and mortar walling was revealed. The limited area of exposure meant it was not possible to establish with confidence the orientation of the feature, although previous work in the area suggests it may be a structure related to the kitchens of the former palace.


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