Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Reigate Castle, Reigate

Monitoring of groundworks by J Robertson of SCAU during the installation of a gas pipeline along Castle Walk. No features of archaeological interest were revealed and the area appeared to have been disturbed previously. However, a number of artefacts were recovered from the excavated spoil, including pottery fragments dating from the 11th–19th centuries, brick, tile, clay pipe and animal bone.

St Peter’s Church, Walton on the Hill

Watching brief by R Lambert of SCAU during the excavation of service and drainage trenches relating to the construction of a new toilet block. No features were revealed, but a small quantity of human bone, likely to be relatively recent, was collected. A few stray finds, including a flint flake likely to be of Neolithic or Bronze Age date, and clay pipe, were retrieved from the spoil.

Rowly Drive, Rowly (centred)

Watching brief by T Munnery of SCAU during the excavations for a water pipeline. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed. A metal detector survey carried out simultaneously along the pipeline route recovered fragments of metalwork associated with the site of a German Junkers 88 aircraft, which was shot down and crashed nearby in April 1941. The actual site of the crash was, however, some distance from the pipeline route.

Green’s Farm, Newdigate

Evaluation by P Jones of SCAU in advance of the creation of a lake involved the excavation of eighteen trenches. The evaluation revealed no archaeological finds or features, but on-site observation and a map appraisal suggest the presence of a post-medieval building complex just outside the proposed lake area.


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