Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Evaluation by N Shaikhley of SCAU prior to the creation of a golf course. Only the areas of proposed holes 1–9 were examined, with a second phase planned for the remainder of the site. A large number of trenches were negative. However, evidence for possible Neolithic flint-mining activity was recorded in one area, in the form of sinuous conjoined irregular pits that appeared to be following flint seams within the chalk natural. Further features, some perhaps indicative of in-situ flint knapping, were also revealed.

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU prior to the construction of a park and ride facility. A series of pits was revealed, including two very large intercutting pit complexes. A prehistoric date for the features was suspected, as both Bronze Age and Iron Age pottery were present, although intrusive Roman and medieval/post-medieval pottery and tile was also recovered. Further work is planned.

Christ’s College School, Larch Avenue, Guildford

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU prior to the construction of a series of new school buildings revealed a number of features, including a concentrated in-situ scatter of Bronze Age pottery and struck and burnt flint of considerable interest. The wider area of the site revealed further Bronze Age features such as ditches and a number of undated features of a possibly similar date. Roman activity was also recorded in the form of ditches and pits, although the concentration of features was not dense, suggesting outlying activity related to an as yet unspecified site elsewhere in the vicinity.


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