Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Fairalls builders’ merchant, High Street, Godstone

Watching brief by N Shaikhley of SCAU during redevelopment of part of the builders’ merchant premises revealed that any archaeology that may once have been present would have been removed when the recently demolished structure had been constructed. Photographs in the possession of the site manager illustrated a series of caves discovered during, and then infilled as part of, an earlier construction phase, and thought to relate to a quarry located just to the north of the premises.

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing excavation by G Hayman of SCAU south of those areas excavated in previous years revealed further features of Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman date. The Bronze Age features consisted mostly of ditches belonging to a co-axial field system that developed during the Late Bronze Age, but also included one large pit and a small pit or posthole. The field system has been traced across all areas of the quarry that have been examined since work began in 1999 and extends for an unknown distance beyond it.

Saxon County School, Shepperton

Watching brief by R Poulton of SCAU during the creation of a long-jump pit and runway inside, and two pergolas just outside, the Scheduled area of the Saxon and medieval cemetery. The works were generally too shallow to disturb any deposits, although observation of the excavation of postholes of one of the pergolas unearthed two cow bones, which may well have formed part of the spread of Saxon midden material identified in 1996 SCAU excavations.

Whitehall Lane/Milton Park Farm, Egham

Geophysical survey by A Bartlett of BCC, with a supplementary evaluation by P Jones of SCAU, in order to test the potential effectiveness of geophysical survey over the site. A number of magnetic anomalies were detected, although no corresponding archaeological features were revealed, suggesting that full geophysical survey of the site would not be productive. Subsequent evaluation involving the excavation of 464 trenches by A Taylor of TVAS in advance of possible mineral extraction revealed a wide range of finds and deposits.

Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU on phase 6b area of this ongoing mineral extraction site. Evidence of a field system mainly dating to the post-medieval period was found, as well as pits of a possible prehistoric date. Medieval pottery finds indicate activity of this period in the area.

Rosehill, Doods Way, Reigate

Evaluation by P Jones of SCAU prior to a proposed residential development. A number of features were found relating to a previously known Roman tilery, together with numerous examples of roof and floor tiles, dated by association with pottery to the 2nd/3rd centuries. No evidence for kiln structures presumed to exist in the area was noted at this stage.


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