Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Staines Town Football Club, Wheatsheaf Road, Staines

Evaluation by N Shaikhley of SCAU did not reveal any archaeological finds or features. The presence of a subsoil in part of only one trench indicates that extensive levelling had occurred over the site during previous development. The site, however, is unlikely to have been suitable for past settlement as alluvial deposits revealed in the trenches suggest the site had been prone to repeated phases of flooding.

30--38 Church Street, Staines

Watching brief by P Jones of SCAU following an evaluation last year revealed that the site appears to have been on the shoreline of a river channel that would once have lain largely below Bridge Street and possibly the neighbouring Montpelier House. Finds indicate that the site was probably not reclaimed until the 17th or 18th centuries, and the only archaeological features revealed were the truncated remains of some of the walls of the (probably late 18th or early 19th century) Lancasterian School that once stood on the site, and four cess and/or well pits.

Staines and Laleham Hockey Club, Worple Road, Staines

Watching brief carried out by J Robertson of SCAU during work on drainage trenches and soakaway pits for a new all-weather sports surface. The narrow width of the trenches made it difficult to check for the presence of features, and only a sherd of Roman pottery was recovered from the subsoil of one of the soakaway pits. A number of finds, which included several pieces of struck flint, fragments of burnt flint, a lava quernstone fragment, and medieval or post-medieval tile, were retrieved from the spoil heaps.

Former Marconi Site, Addlestone

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU in advance of commercial and residential redevelopment. A single undated linear feature, likely to be prehistoric, was revealed, although generally the site had undergone large-scale truncation in the past. A subsequent excavation revealed gullies and ditches belonging to settlement enclosures, a number of pits, and a large waterhole. Pottery, including large parts of individual vessels, as well as loomweights and other finds dating to the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age transition were recovered.


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