Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Dippenhall House, Farnham

Watching brief and photographic survey by N Shaikhley of SCAU prior to and during demolition works. No archaeological features of any antiquity were noted, although numerous remains relating to the former 18th and 19th century structures on the site were observed.

Queenwood Farm, Chobham Road, Chobham

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU prior to the creation of a new “heathland style” golf course. No finds or features of archaeological significance were revealed. A subsequent watching brief discovered only a few pieces of calcined flint. Fieldwalking by A Allen, a local archaeologist, did lead to the discovery of sherds of pottery and tile of late Roman date in one area. The stripped area adjoining the find site was examined, but no features relating to occupation were found.

Reigate Priory Park

Watching brief carried out by R Poulton of SCAU, on remedial footpath and drainage works. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, most likely due to the largely superficial nature of the works.


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