Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Parkside School, Stoke D’Abernon

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU in advance of expansion of the school facilities revealed that the site had been extensively landscaped. A sherd of post-medieval pottery was recovered from a layer overlying a single course of possibly Tudor bricks. The subsequent watching brief by N Shaikhley did not find any further evidence relating to the brick feature, but did identify a well. A large part of the well appeared to be lined with chalk blocks, except for the upper courses, which were of red brick.

Whiteley Village, Weybridge

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU, in advance of the constuction of a very sheltered accommodation block, involved the excavation of two trial trenches, one of which revealed a shallow ditch. The ditch produced no datable finds but, as it lay well below the topsoil, it does not appear to be of modern origin.

Runfold Farm, Farnham

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU of a further area of the quarry. A small number of 18th century ditches were recorded, together with two of a probable Roman date, although the dating evidence to support this hypothesis may be residual in origin.


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