Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing monitoring work by J Stevenson of SCAU on stripping of the site in advance of mineral extraction revealed a long stretch of ditch. This probably relates to the possible Bronze Age field system previously identified on the site.

30-38 Church Street, Staines

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU in advance of a proposed new office development. A large degree of disturbance was noted, to some considerable depth. Archaeological features were observed at lower levels, including a brick floor - either a cellar or cess-pit. Safety concerns prohibited further investigation.

Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Watching brief carried out by M Dover of SCAU on stripping of area in advance of mineral extraction. Ditches, probably belonging to a field system, were traced in several locations. Pottery recovered was of later Bronze Age date, and in one area was of a sufficient quantity to suggest a settlement site in the near vicinity. Further work is planned.


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