Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Home Farm, Laleham

Evaluation on phase 8 of the mineral extraction works by G Hayman of SCAU. A number of ditches were revealed, probably relating to field systems located away from the main focus of settlement. A few isolated pits and a single cremation burial appear to support this hypothesis. Few finds were recovered from the site, and the material has not been processed at the time of writing, but what was found was suggestive of a Bronze-Age date.

Guide Hut, Grotto Road, Weybridge

A watching brief was maintained by G Hayman and M Dover of SCAU on works for a new store building within the area of Oatlands Palace, for the Girl Guides Association. Within the new foundation trenches the remains of a culvert associated with the infilling of the moat during Henry VIII’s reign was identified. A second feature expected, a wall identified during earlier excavation, was not seen.

11 Nutshell Lane, Farnham

Watching brief carried out by N Shaikhley of SCAU following on from evaluation of the site in 1999. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, possibly due to the advanced state of the development when the archaeological monitoring commenced.

Runfold, Farnham Quarry (formerly referred to as Runfold Farm Pit)

A watching brief carried out during stripping of the site in advance of mineral extraction was followed by an excavation by G Hayman of SCAU later in the year. This extended considerably the area of excavation carried out the previous year. The archaeological work has revealed a variety of features of Late Iron Age and Early Roman origin. These features include numerous ditches, which form parts of field systems and settlement enclosures, with evidence for trackways with ditches to either side.

Waylands Farm, Tatsfield

Watching brief carried out by C Hasler of SyAS on the site of a mobile telephone mast. The site lay directly above the line of the London-Lewes Roman road, which was revealed in the 3x3m foundation pit for the mast. The road was found to be composed of a pebble surface, approximately 0.10m thick, overlying a flint layer of 0.12-0.15m thickness. The width of the road is estimated to be about 6m, although it was apparent that some damage had been caused to the feature previously, probably during the excavation of nearby ponds, and during site levelling which took place 40-60 years ago.

Haxted Mill, Haxted

Watching brief by N Shaikhley of SCAU identified and recorded a large timber beam in the base of one of the foundation trenches of a new extension. The date of the beam is unclear, but it is possible that it acted as part of a revetment, which confined the flow of the river towards the water wheel that powered the mill. The beam has been preserved in situ on the site.


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