Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Thorpe Lea Nurseries, Egham

Excavation by G Hayman of SCAU for English Heritage and Hall Aggregates Ltd in advance of mineral extraction, following on from evaluation in 1992. Evidence of extensive occupation activity dating from the Bronze Age to the end of the Roman period was recorded. Features included ditches, pits and postholes, indicating distinct or reused settlement areas - at least one of which could be described as an enclosure. It is possible that the site was more or less continuously occupied throughout the first millennium BC to the end of the 4th century AD.

Land at Whitehall Farm, Gatton Bottom

A watching brief by J Robertson of SCAU for Barrelfield Golf Network was carried out during golf course construction. A walkover of stripped areas revealed three Iron Age pits and a variety of scattered finds (including struck flints of predominantly Late Bronze Age or later date, calcined flints, medieval/post-medieval pottery sherds and medieval/post-medieval roof tile) in the northern part of the site, which overlies Greensand, but only a couple of pieces of post-medieval pottery were recovered from the southern area of the site, which overlies Gault Clay.

Land at Reigate Hill

Evaluation by Tony Champion and J Robertson of SCAU of the site of a borrow pit and tip for the M25, for Laing Civil Engineering Ltd, found that the site had been partially disturbed during the original construction of the M25. The undisturbed parts of the site revealed only various depths of colluvium over natural chalk.

Reigate Town Hall

A watching brief by S Dyer of SCAU on the groundworks for a new building at the Town Hall was carried out for Reigate & Banstead Borough Council. The area had previously been disturbed by a modern building and no features or finds of archaeological interest were recorded. (289)

Castle Cottage, Reigate

A watching brief by D W Williams for SCAU and Reigate & Banstead Borough Council on limited groundworks within the southern edge of the bailey of Reigate Castle recorded well preserved stratigraphy of medieval through to post-medieval date. (294)


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