Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Farleigh Court Golf Course, near Warlingham

Excavation by G Hayman of SCAU for Kajima UK Engineering Ltd, followed on from an evaluation programme involving fieldwalking, geophysics and trial trenching of an area to be developed as a golf course. The evaluation revealed a variety of features of Late Iron Age to Early Roman date. The excavation confirmed these findings, producing evidence for an irregular enclosure containing gullies, pits and postholes as well as two possible hearths. The majority of these features appear to be of 1st to 2nd century date, with some dating to the 3rd to 4th centuries.

Mayes Place, Warlingham

Evaluation by P Jones of SCAU for J P Whelan Ltd, of land west of the former Mayes Place, followed on from evaluation of part of the redevelopment site in 1993. Undisturbed stratigraphy was recorded, but the only find of interest was a broken flint blade.

The Alms Houses, Warlingham

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for the Trustees of the Harmon Atwood Charities, in advance of the construction of a new residential block. During excavation of trial trenches fragments of roof tile were frequently observed, and two struck flint flakes and several sherds of pottery of 17th/18th century date were recovered from the spoil.

Land east of Place Farm, Bletchingley

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU for Hepworth Minerals & Chemicals Ltd, of two areas proposed for mineral extraction, following on from fieldwalking of one of the areas (centred TQ 333 517). The fieldwalking exercise recovered medieval and post-medieval material, as well as a quantity of prehistoric flint. Evaluation of this area recovered a few more stray finds and revealed the remains of a substantial hearth or kiln apparently of post-medieval date, a sand quarry of post-medieval date, and a couple of ditches and a posthole that contained prehistoric material.


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