Observation of trenches dug to prevent occupation of the site and of foundation work by S P Dyer for SCAU and Homebase Ltd produced five struck flints of Mesolithic or early Neolithic type; no features were located but the flints are thought to indicate a nearby site (279)
Site watching on construction of a new house, by Rob Poulton of SCAU for Fromson Construction Co Canada, did not locate anything of archaeological interest in an area immediately adjacent to the hillfort.
Evaluation by trial trenching carried out by S P Dyer for SCAU and Barratt Homes failed to locate anything of archaeological interest. There was no surviving evidence for the historic landscape known from map evidence. (279)
A watching brief by S Dyer of SCAU for W S Atkins, on the construction of a pollution control pond between the motorway and Broad Ditch, in an area where finds of several periods have been recorded, found only a shallow ditch of probably post-medieval date.
Evaluation by S Dyer of SCAU for W S Atkins, in the area for a flood replacement scheme south of Murray’s Lane and west of the M25, in an area (TQ 08064 59290 to 03878 65072) where finds of several periods have been recorded. A large part of the site was found to be disturbed by the dumping of building debris; elsewhere undisturbed stratigraphy of ploughsoil over alluvial deposits was recorded. The only finds of interest recovered were a few flint flakes.
A watching brief by S Dyer of SCAU, for Gordon Melhuish, on the construction of new flats on the site of Pyrford Place (which had included part of a Tudor gateway), found no trace of earlier buildings. (289)
Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Ideal Homes, and a watching brief by M Dover of SCAU, for of Mcleod and Mcleod Ltd, on redevelopment of the convent’s grounds. No features or finds of archaeological interest were made.