Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Tongham Nurseries

Evaluation by trial trenching of an area to be used as a borrow pit for the Blackwater Valley Route, by Graham Hayman of SCAU for SCC. Occasional features of earlier prehistoric and Roman date were noted, but the principal archaeological interest within the site was evidence for Iron Age settlement. Formal excavation of five areas followed. Two of the excavated areas revealed some features of Iron Age date, but three areas contained the major parts of four substantial Iron Age settlements.

Grange Road, Tongham

Evaluation and subsequent formal excavation in advance of the Runfold diversion, part of the Blackwater Valley Route, by Graham Hayman of SCAU for SCC, recorded a range of features including ditches, postholes, pits and a small four-post structure. Provisional examination of the pottery suggests that features of Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and medieval date were present. A few sherds of Saxon pottery were also discovered. (273)

Nonsuch Park, Ewell

A watching brief on the laying of a water main along the northern boundary of the park was carried out by Rob Poulton of SCAU for Southern District Water PLC. No evidence for a suggested Roman road across the park was seen, but the drain from Nonsuch Palace was noted.

The Grove, Ewell

Observation by G R Pattison and P M G Jones for SCAU of trench cutting for cable TV revealed part of an Anglo-Saxon inhumation with possible grave goods including an iron spearhead and fragments of a pot with rosette stamps. Other finds from the general area included one probably IA sherd, various fragments of RB pottery, mostly 4th century, and some further fragments of Anglo-Saxon pottery.

Midgarth, High Street, Oxshott

Correction to report in SyAC 80 (for 1988-89): E Crossland points out that in the even the did not carry out site watching at this site. It was however subsequently evaluated by trial trenching by S P Dyer for SCAU and Elmbridge Borough Council, but nothing of archaeological interest was found except one indeterminate struck flint scraper. (279)


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