Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Home Farm, Laleham

Field walking in advance of gravel extraction, by Graham Hayman of SCAU for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd and Tarmac Roadstone Ltd, revealed concentrations of struck flint of Neolithic or Bronze Age date. A wide variety of tools was represented, including scrapers, awls, burins and arrowheads, and the presence of cores and hammerstones, as well as a large number of waste flakes, indicated that flint working was taking place in the vicinity.

Town Hall, Staines

A watching brief on groundworks at the Town Hall and some excavation was carried out by P M G Jones of SCAU for Spelthorne Borough Council. This confirmed that the building lay over medieval and Roman near-shore muds and silts which were sealed below 16th-17th century levels, probably representing foreshore reclamation. A reed peat filled feature of 15th century date was recorded, which contained numerous cut offs of wood and scraps of leather. The earliest buildings on the site appear to be late 15th or 16th century in date.

Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe

Fieldwalking of an area proposed for mineral extraction carried out by Graham Hayman of SCAU for Hall Aggregates (Thames Valley) Ltd produced 34 pieces of struck flint, randomly distributed over the site. No diagnostic pieces were recovered, but most of the pieces are probably Neolithic or Bronze Age in date.

Thorpe Lea Nurseries, Egham

Evaluation by trial trenching in advance of gravel extraction, by Graham Hayman of SCAU for Hall Aggregates Ltd, adjacent to an area where work in 1989/90 had revealed Bronze Age and Roman features, revealed more extensive features, indicating occupation of mid-late Iron Age to 4th century date, with some evidence from the Bronze Age.


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