Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Bridge Street, Godalming

Evaluation of the site for a supermarket by R J Poulton for SCAU and the Co-operative Wholesale Society. Archaeological features were revealed and then formally excavated. The pottery recovered dates from the 9th to the 13th centuries and the features uncovered seem to indicate the presence of a farmstead on the site during that period. (257)

Runfold Farm, Badshot Lea

Fieldwalking as a first stage of evaluation in advance of mineral extraction by S P Dyer for SCAU and Pioneer Aggregates UK Ltd. A number of clay pits were found across the area, presumably indicating clay was being dug for pottery manufacture. A quantity of Roman period pottery was found and it is known that this region had a widespread pottery industry from the 1st century AD onwards. However, a number of 16th and 17th century pot sherds, some apparently manufacturing wasters, were also found.

Tongham Road, Runfold

Evaluation of part of the proposed route of the A31 Runfold Diversion and Blackwater Valley Route by G N Hayman for SCAU and SCC (County Engineer's Department). A large number of burnt flints, probable prehistoric features, a large number of Roman features and a medieval ditch were uncovered. The Roman features, ditches and rubbish pits, contained large quantities of animal bones and pottery dated to the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.

West Street, Farnham

Watching brief on extension to Elphicks Department Store by R J Poulton and P M G Jones for SCAU and Kemp Stroud. Major part of area had previously been extensively disturbed, but a small portion of pit or ditch was identified, from which a large sherd of 16th century pottery and a bronze bucket fitting were recovered.

North Park Farm, Bletchingley

Excavation by S P Dyer for SCAU and British Industrial Sand in advance of mineral extraction. The remains of a kiln were uncovered. It had first been used for tile manufacture, but had later been adapted as a lime kiln. An archaeomagnetic date of 1400-1455 at the 95% confidence rate was obtained for its last firing.

Home Farm, Laleham

Evaluation in advance of gravel extraction by G N Hayman for SCAU and Greenham Construction Materials Ltd revealed two concentrations of prehistoric features, including pits and a probable boundary ditch. The fill of these produced BA pottery, but a couple of the pits also contained concentrations of cremated human bone. (262)

Lower Mill Farm, Stanwell

Continued monitoring and evaluation in advance of gravel extraction by G N Hayman for SCAU, Greenham Construction Materials Ltd and Thames Water led to the discovery of prehistoric material. Subsequent excavation produced features and finds suggestive of a small farmstead, occupied from the end of the Neolithic into the early BA. (261)


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