
Shepperton Ranges

Finds made during gravel digging, probably from a former watercourse, include a Neolithic antler macehead, a LBA socketed axe with wooden handle (originally of two pieces like a wooden pickaxe), an IA sword with the bronze scabbard fittings surviving, a complete IA pot, a bronze cauldron, and other pieces of wood, antler and bone including part of a human skull.


Eight prehistoric pot sherds, probably late Neolithic or BA, found in random field walking in one field by K Winser. (220) centered ref.

Staines Road Farm

Observation and excavation by P M G Jones for SCC and Streeters Sand & Gravel in advance of gravel extraction. A crop mark noted by J N Hampton was located and found to be a hengi-form monument. It had two phases, provisionally dated early-mid Neolithic and later Neolithic, with two associated human burials and animal bone including a dog skull and several antlers. Other finds included a lump of red ochre and a considerable amount of pottery. Nearby features included two pits, one with waterlogged wood and peat.

Pool End, Shepperton

Survey and site observation by P M G Jones for SCC and Tarmac Roadstone located evidence for an extensive buried feature, possibly a former pool upstream from the Neolithic channel previously located in gravel working nearby.

South Farm, Lightwater

Sixth season of excavation by G H Cole for SHAHT. Two distinct areas were examined. In the first a rectangular well was found and dated to before AD 200; it was severely disturbed by a ditch whose fill was dated cAD 200-250 and by the construction of a cesspit of cAD 1780. The second area produced worked flint dated Mesolithic/Neolithic and a barbed and tanged arrowhead. Late Iron Age pottery was found and part of a late 1st or early 2nd century AD Romanised building indicated by beam slots and said to have sand or gravel floors.

Bocketts Farm and Thorncroft area, Leatherhead

Report on detailed fieldwalking of 96ha (237 acres) by S P Dyer and Judie English for the SyAS Surrey Historic Landscapes Project Team. A thin scatter of worked flint was found throughout the area; mostly Neolithic with some Mesolithic and some BA. Sherds of Neolithic and BA pottery were also found. Aerial photographic evidence shows that the higher ground around Bocketts Farm is covered by a Celtic field system, perhaps to be associated with the known occupation site at Hawks Hill, but no Iron Age pottery has yet been found.

Lower Mill Farm, Stanwell

Continued monitoring and evaluation in advance of gravel extraction by G N Hayman for SCAU, Greenham Construction Materials Ltd and Thames Water led to the discovery of prehistoric material. Subsequent excavation produced features and finds suggestive of a small farmstead, occupied from the end of the Neolithic into the early BA. (261)


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