
Wyphurst Road, Cranleigh

Excavation of Area ‘A’ by G Hayman of SCAU prior to residential development following a series of evaluations in 2002. A number of Mesolithic or Neolithic struck flints recovered attest to occupation in the area for a considerable period. However, the main period of occupation on the site appears to have begun around the middle of the 1st century AD (although some residual pottery fragments of a potentially earlier date were recovered) and to have continued until the late 2nd/early 3rd centuries. A ring gully appeared to be one of the earliest features in the area.

Runfold Farm, Runfold

Excavation by G Hayman of SCAU of the remainder of the Stage 2 quarry site, previously evaluated in 2003. Various ditches were revealed, up to three of which appeared to be Late Iron Age in origin, and may relate to a ‘Celtic’ field system recorded elsewhere on the site during previous archaeological investigations. An amorphous feature of indeterminate purpose, and possibly not entirely the result of human activity, was also found to contain a relatively sizeable quantity of Neolithic and Bronze Age flints.

Kings Arms Royal Hotel, Godalming

Evaluation on land to the rear of the property by J Lewis of TVAS revealed two pits and a posthole, all containing post-medieval material. A number of earlier but unstratified finds from the site included Neolithic/Bronze Age flints, a single sherd of Roman pottery, and a small assemblage of medieval pottery. These could represent some earlier activity in the area, but might equally have been imported to the site through the agricultural manuring process.

A3--Hindhead bypass

Continuation of evaluation and mitigation work by A Manning of WA during the construction of the A3 bypass. Mesolithic and Neolithic flintwork was identified at Hazel Grove Junction, and from peat deposits sampled at Boundless Copse, although the latter deposits were identified as Bronze Age in origin. Little evidence for Roman or Saxon activity was noted beyond the presence of a few Romano-British coins and pottery recovered near Thursley. Medieval features included field systems, hollow-ways and strip lynchets at Hammer Lane, Boundless Copse, Hazel Grove and Begley Farm.

A3 Hindhead bypass

Large-scale evaluation programme by A Manning of WA. Varied results were recorded, ranging from largely negative areas where no finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, through to evidence for Neolithic activity, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement, and post-medieval agricultural land management. Subsequent excavation revealed a significant number of pits, postholes and gullies of Late Bronze Age–Early Iron Age date.


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