Surrey County Archaeological Unit

North Park Farm Quarry, Bletchingley

Three further phases of excavation by P Jones and R Lambert of SCAU adjacent to areas previously investigated. The first phase undertaken in the summer of 2011 was to the immediate west of the area investigated in 2009. The range and character of the archaeological features present were closely similar to those identified in 2009. The features included three Mesolithic pits (which were 100% sampled and sieved for flintwork), an early medieval pit oddly sited out on the Gault clay, and a continuation of the late medieval/ early post-medieval roadway identified during the work in 2005.

St Peter and St Paul's church, Chaldon

Watching brief by T Munnery of SCAU following evaluation in 2008 that had exposed the foundations of the church and three burials in the area of a proposed vestry. Parts of 60 inhumations and two cremations, all of Christian origin, and mostly thought to date from the previous 150 years were revealed, excavated and removed for later reburial elsewhere within the grounds of the church. Two pieces of pottery, dated to the medieval and Roman periods, were recovered from the subsoil and a grave fill respectively.


xcavation by members of the Central South Eastern Young Archaeologists' Club, with the assistance of A Guinness of SCAU, of fifteen test pits within the historic settlement.


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