Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Sayers Croft, Ewhurst

Excavation by A Guinness of SCAU for the Community Archaeology Project, involving the investigation of two former air-raid shelters on the site. The shelters had been partially demolished and the remains buried, with the excavation being an opportunity to establish their correct locations and state of preservation, while providing a training platform for over 100 local children to learn basic excavation techniques, learn about the archaeological discovery process, and handle real artefacts from the Second World War.

Sidney Wood, Alfold

Geophysical survey by T Munnery of SCAU as part of the Wealden Glass Project. A series of clearings within a heavily wooded area were suggestive of former activity, as was evidence for local water management. One location in particular provided positive geophysical results and a large quantity of glassworking finds, making it the most likely to be that of the former glassworks.

Knightons, Alfold

Geophysical and topographic survey by T Munnery of SCAU as part of the Wealden Glass Project. Two adjoining rectangular structures were revealed, together with earthworks and various artefacts associated with glass manufacturing waste.

Godalming town centre

Test pitting by A Guinness of SCAU. Eight test pits were excavated in various locations around Godalming town centre as part of the Community Archaeology 'Staycation' project. Although limited in scope, the results were encouraging in the overall aim of improving the understanding of the origins and development of the historic town, and provided evidence for Saxon occupation near the present church, suggesting that Mint Street might be a focus for late Saxon activity and signs of 12th century expansion from the High Street towards the north of the town.

Watts Gallery, Compton

Watching brief by W Weller of SCAU. No features of archaeological interest were revealed, and only a few finds of medieval or earlier date were recovered. This paucity of evidence is somewhat surprising given the medieval origins of Compton and the known presence of a Roman villa in the vicinity. Debris from an early 20th century artists' kiln that produced pottery and other objects will be of some interest when placed in the context of the presence and work of George Frederic and Mary Seton Watts in the local area.

Mare Hill, Witley

Geophysical survey by T Munnery of SCAU as part of the Wealden Glass Project. Evidence for possible terracing of the site was visible, and moderate responses were recorded through the geophysical survey, but the results were inconclusive and artefactual material suggested the possibility that it might be the site of limeburning rather than glassworking.

Bowbrooks, Chiddingfold

Geophysical survey by T Munnery of SCAU as part of the Wealden Glass Project. Two fields were investigated, and while an unequivocal location for a glassworking furnace could not be defined, the eastern of the two fields demonstrated significantly higher magnetic anomalies than the western. This evidence, coupled with the field name on the 1803 tithe map ('Glasse Field'), appears to outline the location of the glass furnace workings.

Imbhams Farm, Chiddingfold

Geophysical survey and fieldwalking by T Munnery of SCAU as part of the Wealden Glass Project. Two areas of potential interest were identified, one of which provided conclusive evidence of glassworking in the form of large quantities of manufacturing debris and waste, and the likely location of the furnace itself.


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