Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Salesian Roman Catholic School, Guildford Road, Chertsey

Strip, map and record excavation by W Weller of SCAU revealed a significantly disturbed area with three ditch features and a small posthole, all of which have been confidently dated to the later post-medieval period. A handful of probable Bronze Age flints was recovered, but no features of this date were observed. The small posthole from the trial trench evaluation (SyAC 101, 221) that produced a small assemblage of prehistoric pottery was located, but no further related features were observed.

64 The Avenue, Egham

Strip, map and record excavation by W Weller of SCAU, a continuation of the 2016 excavations (SyAC 101, 220), revealed further significant archaeological deposits. The most notable being the Roman road, the roadside ditch of which was previously excavated. Large elements of the road surface were intact, and a camber was visible in section, together with distinct layering relating to re-metalling. A section of ditch was uncovered that contained two sherds of Late Bronze Age pottery that probably date the feature.

The Camp, Ashtead Common, Ashtead

A test pit evaluation by W Weller of SCAU within the triangular earthwork known as ‘The Camp’, undertaken in response to an illegal metal detecting incident that uncovered three hammered bronze items, including a nearly intact bowl. A number of replaced ‘plugs’ resulting from the incident were identified and a 2m2 test pit was excavated around one of them, deemed the most plausible for the source of the items.

Box Hill School, Mickleham

A watching brief by W Weller of SCAU during levelling of a sports field, recovered a small assemblage of unstratified Neolithic and Bronze Age worked flints. However, owing to the shallow nature of the groundworks, no other finds or features of archaeological interest were recorded; the archaeological horizon was not encountered.


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