Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Saxon Primary School, Briar Road, Shepperton

A magnetometry and earth resistance survey by R and S Ainslie of Abingdon Archaeological Geophysics within the boundary of the Scheduled Monument revealed three anomalies of possible archaeological origin. A subsequent test pit evaluation by W Weller of SCAU revealed a segment of a possible early medieval ditch towards the north of the site and confirmed that some areas to the south of the site had been truncated by recent quarrying.

Cherkley Court, Reigate Road, Leatherhead

Archaeological monitoring by J Payne of SCAU during limited pipeline repair works within the Scheduled Monument area of the Roman road Stane Street. The previously recorded dimensions and make-up of the Roman road (SyAC 75, 289) were confirmed while the presence of a possible levelling deposit associated with the initial construction of the road, and not previously recorded, was also revealed.

Meadowbank Football Ground, Mill Lane, Dorking

Evaluation by W Weller of SCAU revealed deep levels of made-ground comprising a high percentage of industrial slag and ash as well as sand, brick, stone and 20th century household waste. The results show that deep excavations had been conducted across most of the site prior to the construction of the football ground in the early 1950s. There was no indication of the projected route of Stane Street, sometimes postulated to cross the site, although the depth of disturbance would probably have removed any evidence if it had been present.

Woking Palace, Woking

Third and fourth seasons of a community excavation by SyAS and SCAU, under the direction of R Poulton, of the Scheduled moated site. The 2011 work took place in three locations. Within the first trench, the remains of part of the gatehouse and associated structures were uncovered next to the present (and ancient) site entrance. These buildings had stone foundations and would mostly have been of timber-framed construction. The addition of brick hearths shows that they were updated over time. A robber trench at the eastern edge of the trench had clearly removed a substantial wall.


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