Surrey County Archaeological Unit

2-12 Clarence Street, Staines

Excavation and site observation by P M G Jones for SCC and McKay Securities in advance of redevelopment examined a site at the confluence of the Thames and the Colne (as it existed from the late RB to the end of the Medieval period). Prehistoric peats and clays were found, cut by a late 1st or early 2nd century RB ditch containing leather offcuts and articles; any other RB levels must have been destroyed by later flood action .

Clandon Park area

Two RB sites (one with tile and 4th century pottery, the other with 1st to 4th century sherds) and two medieval sites further south (one with 14th-16th century material, the other with shell-tempered pottery) discovered in fieldwalking by P M G Jones.

Abbey Meads, Chertsey

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC, Runnymede BC and HBMC on the site of the ovens known from previous excavations, to test the possibility of public display. The ovens were located , more of the ?precinct wall, previously found , was discovered and the Saxo-Norman levels were again located.

65-66A The Avenue, Egham

Excavation by S P Dyer for SAFG in advance of redevelopment revealed a continuation of the multi period site at Petters Sports Field. Prehistoric worked flints, BA pottery, an IA terret (identified by the BM), a few sherds of probable IA pottery and mixed RB pottery were found in a buried river channel. The previously postulated RB road could not be located and the evidence suggested that it had not existed.

15 Bell Street, Reigate

Excavation by G N Hayman for SCC and HBMC in advance of development behind known medieval chapel site where planning permission was granted on appeal. There was extensive post-medieval pitting but some medieval features were located including a ditch parallel to Bell Street, cut by a 12th century pit and therefore 12th century or earlier. Parts of medieval stone mouldings were found. (248) Earlier, during building work within the existing structure, D W Williams for HAG recovered a possible hood mould fragment from stone rubble below the floor.

Reigate town centre

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and London & Metropolitan PLC in advance of redevelopment, of a site some 35m south of the High Street frontage, to the rear of the buildings known as the Cage and the Stable. The earliest features on the site were two 12th century parallel ditches or gullies running north-south about 5m apart; these may have been plot boundaries relating to the laying out of the new town in the late 12th century.


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