Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Esso HQ Ashtead

Excavation by G N Hayman for SCC and Esso Petroleum revealed further evidence for the Saxon period cemeteries previously excavated. Another 12 inhumations were found, five clearly pagan, of which three had iron knives, one also having two bronze pins. The other burials were probably executions; one in particular seemed to have had hands tied behind the back. Some 15 sherds of prehistoric pottery, some at least probably Neolithic, were found in the excavation. (241) The laying of a water main along the lane to the south was monitored by L Le Mottee, but nothing of interest was observed.

Church Square, Dorking

Trial excavation by R J Poulton for SCC, Bredero and Mole Valley DC in advance of redevelopment was followed by excavation by G N Hayman. Three 1st-2nd century RB ditches were found, one small with much pottery and building material, the others more substantial, one being about 2.5m wide and running north-south. There was also evidence for 14 human burials probably of early medieval date. A ditch to the east is likely to have marked the original limit of burials, replaced probably in the late 13th century by the present boundary line of the graveyard. (235, 241, 248)

Former Sewage Works, Cobham

Trial excavation and survey by R J Poulton for SCC and J Sainsbury revealed only scattered artefacts including probable Mesolithic flints and prehistoric, RB and medieval pottery. It appeared that medieval ploughing had destroyed all ancient levels which may have existed. (235)

Mint Street, Godalming

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCAU and SCC (County Engineer's Department) in advance of the construction of the relief road showed that post-medieval evidence had been removed by the construction of a car park. Evidence of medieval occupation survived, including various 12th/13th century pits apparently indicating the first settlement in this part of the town, although late Saxon pottery was also discovered and must indicate nearby occupation. (257; report in SyAC 85, 177-186)

Matthew Arnold School, Staines

Further excavation by P M G Jones for SCAU and SCC (Property Services Department) confirmed the medieval date of 'Caesar's Camp' (formerly supposed to be RB), although its function is still obscure. It was probably constructed in the 12th century and backfilled by the 14th. Traces of BA settlement were located including ditches and a pit. (report in SyAC 94)


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