Surrey County Archaeological Unit

The Old Quarry, Ashtead

Small-scale excavation by R J Poulton and M G O’Connell for SCC to examine a pit-like feature uncovered in redevelopment. Two main features were noted: a large (? quarry) pit over 2m deep and at least 3m wide, and the lowest levels of a shaft (under 0.75m diameter) narrowing to a post-hole (0.25m diameter) around 3.6m deep from the original surface. (181)

Stane Street

Roman road section in pipeline trench recorded by R J Poulton and M G O’Connell for SCC and British Pipeline Agency. Near the pipeline crossing two unspecified RB coins were found by a metal detector user and reported by E Crossland. (See SyAC 75, 289)

North Park Farm, Bletchingley

Excavation of part of the earthwork known as Little Pickle by R J Poulton for SCC and British Industrial Sand Ltd, in advance of sand extraction, revealed that the bank and ditch of this rectangular earthwork were probably constructed in the late 15th century. Large quantities of roof tile from trenches within the earthwork suggest the presence of buildings there. Outside the earthwork, some 50m to the south, building foundations were discovered.


Beginning of major excavation by M G O’Connell for SCC, Hall Aggregates (Thames Valley) Ltd and DoE with assistance from the Manpower Services Commission via the Community Task Force. Initial work concentrated on the cursus in the north-east corner of the field.

Oatlands Palace

Excavation in advance of redevelopment, by R J Poulton and M G O’Connell for SCC and DoE, revealed (May) a wall foundation and traces of another robbed out in the outer court (south), and (August) a probable wall of the stable block and half of the outer gatehouse.


Large-scale excavation by M G O'Connell for SCC, Hall Aggregates (Thames Valley) Ltd, HBMC, and the Community Task Force. Neolithic cursus ditches recorded in detail in several places, also probably LBA field boundaries and large pits (7 wells), some with waterlogged wood remains. The supposed `henge', tentatively identified on aerial photographs, was found to be an ill-defined probably Saxon feature.

Chertsey Abbey

Small-scale excavation by R.J Poulton for SCC arid Runnymede BC to check a newly uncovered section probably of the precinct wall. It proved to overlie levels with Saxo-Norman pottery below 1.5m in depth. Human remains were recovered by P Larkin of Chertsey Museum in observation of small-scale work in the Abbey cemetery area.


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