

"Medieval Communication Routes"


A day conference on topics related to the development of medieval communication routes within the County of Surrey, focusing on roads, bridges, causeways etc.

The day will start with a general introduction by Prof John Blair, illustrated by his ongoing research along the valley of the Upper Thames. This will be followed by shorter presentations on specific examples within Surrey. The afternoon will conclude with an informal open session where indivdual research can be presented and discussed.

Archaeological Open Day at Woking Palace

An opportunity to see the results of the investigations and excavations undertaken at Woking Palace this summer. There will be guided tours of the site from 11am with the last tour departing at 4pm plus displays by various local groups. Unfortunately there is no public parking available at the site. Free parking in gravel long-stay car park beyond tarmac short-stay car park just off Old Woking High Street at the mini roundabout and access on foot or cycle via way-marked route of about 1 mile.

South East Research Framework


The archaeology, buildings and historic landscape of South East England (East Sussex, Kent, Surrey and West Sussex) comprise an outstanding inheritance that helps to give the region its distinctive character and sense of identity.

This historic environment is also a rich resource for education, research and leisure, but what do we actually know about the region's past, and what are the questions we want and need to answer?

The South East Research Framework for the historic environment is an opportunity for all those who care about the region's heritage to take stock and plan how limited resources should be used.

Surrey Local History Committee Homepage

The Surrey Local History Committee of Surrey Archaeological Society exists to foster an interest in the History of Surrey, both directly and in co-operation with other bodies. It aims to discover the past and to maintain the heritage of Surrey, in history, in architecture and in landscape. It fulfils these objects by encouraging local history societies and individuals within the County, by the organisation of meetings and by publication.

Medieval Studies Forum

The Medieval Studies Forum is a group of people interested in the medieval period. The Forum offers in-person and online talks with workshops and visits, where topics can be approached from different angles. If you are interested in any aspect of the medieval period, in Surrey or beyond, then the Surrey Medieval Studies Forum is the group for you.

Surrey Research Framework

Providing the foundations for future archaeological and historical work in SurreySite survey

The Surrey Research Framework (SRF) aims to:

identify the main gaps in our current understanding about Surrey's past

  • set out topics for future research
  • strengthen co-ordination of effort on research into Surrey's historic environment


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