

St Michael’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Feltham Hill Road, Ashford

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU revealed a variety of features and deposits dating to the prehistoric, medieval and post-medieval periods. A ditch containing later Bronze Age flintwork was the earliest feature. The ditch contained a residual Mesolithic core, and a flint flake of Neolithic or Early Bronze Age date. Two joining pot sherds from a Late Saxon bowl were also recovered from a layer of post-medieval soil above the feature.

Cobham Road, Fetcham

Watching brief undertaken by T Munnery of SCAU, and involving C Green of QUEST, during the installation of a pipeline, revealed an area of Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic and Late Mesolithic flintworking and the foundations of a Roman building. A subsequent excavation discovered that the Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic material was found to be an in-situ scatter of lithics with an eastern and western boundary and two areas with a low lithic density that could infer the positions of two knappers.

TASIS England, Thorpe

Two phase evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU, prior to the construction of a new building at the Upper School and extension to the existing Coach House. A single pit of probable 13th century date was discovered at the Coach House site. Two late medieval or early post-medieval pits were revealed at the Upper School site, with indications of earlier activity in the immediate vicinity being noted within the finds assemblage. The Coach House development was calculated not to damage archaeological horizons, so no further work was recommended.

Telex field, Reigate Road Quarry, Betchworth

Evaluation by F Raymond of BAS identified significant Bronze Age deposits concentrated on a plateau of land in the south-eastern part of the site, and this area was subsequently excavated. Activity commenced during the Mesolithic period, and is marked by the presence of a flint scatter from the southern part of the site. There were no concentrations of flint and no features, suggesting the principal focus, if there is one, lies or lay to the south and east. The focus of Early and Middle Bronze Age activity was located on the eastern side of the site.

Hatch Furlong, Ewell

Second season of excavation led by H Sheldon of BC and J Cotton of EEHAS, on an area of higher ground overlooking the Roman settlement of Ewell and Stane Street and where traces of Roman activity were located in the 1970s. Four trenches were opened in a line running north–south between those excavated in 2006.

Shepperton Studios, Shepperton

Evaluation by H Clough of PCA in advance of the construction of a workshop extension revealed two ditches of probable Bronze Age origin, a palaeochannel which may be prehistoric, medieval agricultural features, a late 18th or early 19th century wall, and residual burnt and worked flint, abraded Roman pottery and a piece of unabraded Saxo-Norman pottery. Subsequent monitoring of two geotechnical test pits within the proposed footprint of the workshop revealed only modern deposits.

Whitehall Lane/Milton Park Farm, Egham

Ongoing evaluation, continuing from the work carried out in 2003, by A Taylor of TVAS in advance of possible mineral extraction on this site. Material recovered included stray and residual finds of Upper Palaeolithic date, as well as Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age flintwork. Prehistoric, Roman, Saxon and medieval pottery was also found as well as occupation evidence of Bronze Age, Iron Age, Saxon, medieval and post-medieval dates.

Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Evaluation by J Robertson and excavation by P Jones of SCAU on the phase 7 and 8 area of this ongoing minerals extraction site. The evaluation produced evidence of a field system of predominantly post-medieval date, as well as a number of ditches of uncertain and probably various dates. Three areas revealed features that contained material indicative of prehistoric and Saxon dates. Further excavation of the phase 7 area uncovered further non-structural Saxon features, as well as a discrete area containing a scatter of struck flints.

Cerne Cottage, East Horsley

Investigation by T Howe and G Jackson of SCC of a site containing human remains discovered during the excavation of a soakaway. Examination suggested that the remains were archaeological in nature (not criminal as was first suspected), and comprised two separate burials, although the exact date of the interments was obscure. It is hoped that additional analyses will be possible to determine more clearly the origin of the remains, although Saxon burials have been recorded in the area previously.


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