
RSG Conference - 'Shining a Light on Roman Roadside Settlement in South-East England'


Save the date for the latest in the series of bi-annual Roman Studies Group conferences. The latest will take place as a hybrid meeting at King's Hall, Lewes (and online) on Saturday 7th June 2025 10am - 5pm. This conference will be held in conjunction with the Sussex School of Archaeology.

Speakers confirmed to-date: 

Rob Wallace - Bridge Farm, East Sussex;

RSG Zoom Talk - Lilian Ladle on 'The Rise and Decline of Druce Farm Roman Villa (AD60-650)


Following publication of 'The Rise and Decline of Druce Farm Roman Villa (AD60-650)' BAR British Series 676, 2022 Archaeology of Roman Britain Volume 8, Lilian Ladle has kindly agreed to talk to us about this multi-period site. Exacavations were carried out 2012-2018  by East Dorset Antiquarian Society under Lilian's direction.

This long-lived site reveals evidence for prehistoric activity, and Roman occupation from mid-1st century, with the earliest proto-villa found in Dorset. Phases of construction and demolition highlight a story of villa development and decline.

RSG Zoom Talk - Emma Corke on 'Discoveries at Cocks Farm Abinger 2024'


Emma Corke, Director of the Cocks Farm Abinger excavations, will be telling us about the latest discoveries at Cocks Farm Abinger. Fieldwork has been taking place in the area outside the known Roman villa for more than a decade, and has revealed evidence for wider land use, both during the Roman period but also in prehistory.

The Zoom link will be sent a week in advamce to RSG members. If you are a SyAS member you can join RSG for free - just click on the membership tab and follow instructions to join RSG.

RSG Zoom talk - Dr. David Bird on 'Understanding the Ashtead Roman Villa and tile kiln: a new interpretation of this important Surrey site and its wider context'


A Zoom talk will take place on the evening of 7th January, 2025. David Bird, who directed excavations at Ashtead Roman Villa and Tileworks between 2006 and 2013, will be telling us about what information has come to light in the build-up to the final publication. You can see the interim reports via the links on the Roman Studies Group page - Recent reearch and fieldwork - Ashtead Roman Villa Project 2006-2013. 

RSG Zoom talk - Roman Road Research Part I -Chris Gibson on 'Ewhurst and the Romans'


Following on from the RSG Surrey Rural Settlement Project, a sub-group took on the challenge of identifying possible Roman roads in the Ewhurst area together with related settlement evidence. Chris Gibson will tell us about the research and fieldwork undertaken, together with archaeological issues along the way.

The Zoom link will be sent a week in advamce to RSG members. If you are a SyAS member you can join RSG for free - just click on the membership tab and follow instructions to join RSG.

RSG Zoom AGM and talk - David Millum on Excavations at Bridge Farm, East Sussex


Following the Roman Studies Group AGM, David Millum of the Culver Project will update us on excavations at Bridge Farm, a Romano-British settlement in the Ouse Valley, East Sussex. RSG members visited the site in Summer 2024, and David will tell us not just about the current season's excavation, but about the project over the last two decades.

Learn more about David Millum, his research projects and publications at

Southwark Roman Day


The Conservation and Heritage teams at Southwark will be holding a Roman Day at the Heritage Centre, 147 Walworth Road, Southwark.  The morning will consist of the opportunity for people to see some Roman material from the Southwark collection and material excavated by some of the archaeological companies who work regularly within the borough. In the afternoon there will be three talks about the roman archaeology of Southwark, roman roads, burial grounds and settlement, largely focused on Landmark Court.


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