
Coldharbour Quarry, Thorpe

Excavation by P Riccoboni of ASE in advance of mineral working on the site. Along with some undated features, four large pits of an apparent Late Bronze Age date were interpreted as waterholes, one of which showed evidence for having been recut and re-used in the Roman period. A series of linear features of Roman date crossed the site, probably representing evidence of the remains of a field system. The foundations of a T-shaped probable corn-drying structure, again of Roman date, were also revealed.

Stratton Farm, Godstone

Investigation by Time Team comprising geophysical survey, field survey and trenching identified a number of Roman features including several pits, one of which was over 3m deep, a kiln or oven, and that the Roman road connecting London and Brighton ran through the site and not along Tilburstow Hill Road, a short distance to the east. (398)

Kempton Park Racecourse, Sunbury

Evaluation by J Vuolteenaho of MoLAS in advance of the installation of a new track revealed one area containing postholes representing either early activity, or an earlier fence alignment, and another with a small shallow feature and further postholes. Monitoring by S Davis during machine clearance around the area of the first set of postholes did not reveal any similar or associated deposits, but the concrete roof of either a basement or bunker was uncovered. Although not fully excavated, the structure was found to extend at least 2m below the present ground surface.

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing excavation by G Hayman of SCAU in advance of mineral extraction. Two areas were excavated in 2005. The northern of the two areas lay immediately north of the area examined in 2004 that included a large number of ditches, waterholes and numerous small pits and postholes, producing substantial quantities of pottery and struck flint, of Middle Bronze Age date. This concentration of evidence did not extend far into the 2005 area. The features were almost exclusively of Bronze Age date.

Majestic House, High Street, Staines

Evaluation by K Bazley of AOC revealed a large linear feature of Roman date (thought to be a flood protection ditch), a post pit, posthole, pit and gully, possibly prehistoric and indicative of settlement activity. A medieval or early post-medieval gully, and evidence of substantial post-Victorian disturbance, including foundation remains of the Majestic Picture Theatre were also found. Further work is proposed.

Elmsleigh Centre, High Street, Staines

Watching brief by C Menary of MoLAS revealed that the site straddled both the gravel island and the alluvial flood plain. A layer of alluvium containing residual Roman finds could relate to flooding of the Roman settlement in the 3rd century, and a deposit of post-medieval dumping dating to 1740–1800 was possibly an effort to raise the ground level in this period.


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