
Queen Elizabeth II Barracks, Guildford

Evaluation and excavation by P Boyer of PCA prior to residential development. Extensive horizontal truncation, probably dating to the establishment of the barracks during World War II, was found across the majority of the site. However, a Roman enclosure dating to the mid/late 1st century AD was revealed, which probably formed part of a wider agricultural landscape. Later 17th and 18th century agricultural features were also identified in the same area, which appeared to have escaped the truncation evident across the rest of the site.

Manor Farm, University of Surrey, Guildford

Evaluation by A Holmes of OA in an area proposed for the construction of sports pitches. Possible prehistoric hearth pits and a ditch, together with a Medieval boundary ditch probably associated with the Royal Deer Park, and evidence for a Post-Medieval trackway were encountered, although the general density of features was low. No evidence for a postulated Roman road running through the site was seen, although a band of natural gravel was seen in the approximate location, which likely accounts for previously recorded geophysical anomalies across the area.

Green Lane, Wanborough

Remedial excavations by D Graham of SyAS on behalf of EH following a series of overnight raids by treasure hunters on the site of the Romano-Celtic temple. The illegal activity was found to have destroyed a length of the ambulatory wall, and had damaged associated archaeological levels. (361)

9-11 Market Square, Staines

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and DoE in advance of redevelopment revealed Roman, medieval and post-medieval occupation. Of particular interest were several early pre-Flavian levels with evidence for round houses, a late 2nd or early 3rd century well or ritual shaft with the remains of at least 17 dogs, no evidence between late Roman and late 12th century levels, and a medieval well and ovens.

North of Pendell Farm, Bletchingley

Three phases of archaeological investigation were carried out by S Ford, J Pine and J Lewis of TVAS in advance of possible future extraction on this site. The first phase comprised the excavation of 249 trenches and revealed a range of deposits of Late Bronze Age, Roman, Early Saxon, Late Saxon and medieval dates, within an area coincident with a cropmark enclosure complex; a small number of gullies possibly dating to the Neolithic or Bronze Age to the west, and in-situ Mesolithic artefacts and a Mesolithic pit.

Manor Farm, Laleham

Evaluation by J Pine and A Weale of TVAS in advance of possible mineral extraction involved the excavation of 149 trenches. A high density of certain and probable archaeological deposits was revealed, with 60% of the trenches proving positive, although little cultural or environmental dating evidence was recovered from them. Where such evidence was present, the deposits reflected Early Neolithic and probable Middle to Late Bronze Age occupation, with prehistoric activity of other periods represented by a few pieces of possible Mesolithic flintwork, Late Neolithic and Late Iron Age pottery.


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