
Bocketts Farm, Fetcham

Metal detector survey under the direction of D Williams of SCC and A and D Graham of SyAS recovered metal objects of Roman, medieval and later date, and a single pottery sherd of possible Iron Age date. The survey shed no light on the interpretation of a circular enclosure identified on aerial photographs of the site. (Bulletin 369)

Cocks Farm, Abinger

Metal detector survey and excavation of a trench by D Williams of SCC in an area adjoining the Scheduled villa where a dispersed Roman coin hoard had been reported in the 1970s. No coins were found, but various Roman finds and a feature, interpreted as a robber trench of a building demolished in the Roman period, was revealed. (368)

Former Barnwood School, Guildford

Evaluation by D Hart of LPA prior to residential redevelopment revealed a palaeochannel and two potential ditches, together with a relative abundance of Roman finds and evidence of post-medieval agricultural activity. The site is adjacent to a previously excavated Roman rural site and close to the villa building on Broadstreet Common. However, the evidence suggests that this area was largely beyond the curtilage of the main settlement.

Manor Park, Guildford

Excavation by J Pine of TVAS on the site of the proposed University of Surrey expansion area. Three possible buildings, a four-post structure, isolated postholes, pits and gullies were recorded in one distinct area, together with isolated postholes, ditches and a gully. The majority of these features contained pottery, which was similar in type to that found during the 2002 evaluation, being of Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age date.

1–35 and 55–66 Thamesmead, Walton-on-Thames

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU in advance of the first phase of residential redevelopment revealed a small number of unstratified struck and burnt flints, unstratified fragments of medieval/post-medieval roof tile, and a Roman cremation burial contained within an Alice Holt plain jar of late 2nd/3rd century date. It is possible that further cremations and other forms of burial may survive within the redevelopment area, and further archaeological work is planned.

Farnham Quarry, Farnham

Controlled stripping by P Jones of SCAU during quarry operations on areas D and E. A number of geological features were exposed, although no definite archaeological evidence was seen beyond the presence of a post-medieval drain. A sherd of Bronze Age pottery recovered from a tree-throw hollow, two sherds of probable Late Iron Age–Early Roman pottery from the surface of one of the geological features, and a single long-blade flint of Upper Palaeolithic type were the only artefacts recovered.


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