

Animal bones, including several of horse and cattle, and two fragments of 1st century AD pottery from a buried watercourse noted in gravel extraction and reported by J J Chapman. Map ref centered

Frensham Manor

Aerial photography by K D Graham revealed the existence of a sub-rectangular double ditched enclosure of approximately 1.6ha. Possible IA date suggested by supposed finds by metal detector users of IA and Roman Republican coins in this area. Fieldwaiking of field immediately to west revealed a late 1st to early 2nd century RB site. (194; see note in this volume by David Graham and R A Merson)

North Holmwood

Excavation by Vivien Ettlinger, J L Gower and L Green for SyAS and SRVSG examined a section of Stane Street, and established the correctnes of the OS line. The road had a raised central area, about 10.2m wide, of clay metalled with flit and some ironstone. It was flanked on the west and probably also on the east side by a wide Ievel area about 3.3m wide, cut into the natural and filled with flint and ironstone, interpreted as probably for drainage needed on this Weald Clay site. (195)

The Hart, Farnham

Trial excavation by K D Graham for FDMS in advance of redevelopment. Pottery from the 13th century onwards was found, but no features; it was probably therefore domestic rubbish. One fragment of RB pottery, possibly RB tile and several flint flakes were also found. (See report in this volume on Kingham's/Lion & Lamb sites.)


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